A new groundbreaking expansion of the seawater desalination plant in MOTOROIL Hellas Refineries s.a. is completed and fully in operation. With a production capacity exceeding 7.000 m3/day, it is considered the biggest seawater desalination unit in Greece. The new unit sets new standards in water treatment, as it utilizes warm return seawater of the refinery’s cooling system. Accordingly, a special integrated pretreatment system is engaged, which combines Multi Media Filtration (MMF) and Ultrafiltration (UF). This combined function, along with the utilization of contemporary energy recovery systems, creates an international exemplar paradigm of energy consumption optimization.
Sychem S.A. was in charge of all phases of the project, including the design as well as the construction of the unit, while being solely responsible for the full 10 year operation. Therefore Sychem, utilizing its human resources, reassures the quality and cost efficiency of the desalinated water. Worth mentioning, this successful collaboration between Sychem and Motoroil started in a 2007 international bid for the construction of a 1000m3/day pot water unit. Since then two expansions have taken place, creating a unit that utilizes a two stage desalination process as well as a continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) system to primarily produce ultrapure water for industrial use. It is mutually recognized that this long standing and successful collaboration is partly attributed to Sychem’s high tech expertise in water technologies which reassures quality products and services.