Technical Bioenergy Crete Biogas Power Plant opening ceremony took place successfully at Heraklion, Crete on May 26th 2017, introduced by the Regional Governor of Crete, Mr. Stavros Arnaoutakis.
The biogas plant was entirely designed and constructed by SYCHEM Group, applying cutting-edge technology at the most critical points of production process such as the collection and management of the incoming organic waste, the deodorization system, heat recovery and the innovative waste water system for the digestate effluent treatment.
The Plant will treat 35.000 tonnes of organic waste annually from slaughter houses, livestock and poultry factories, expired food from super markets, food shops, waste from restaurants and hotels, e.t.c to produce biogas and electricity and thus, protecting Cretan environment.
The 6 million (euros) «green» investment owned by Sychem Group used the European Financing Tool «JESSICA» aiming to protect the environment and create new jobs.
Following a welcome- tour at the industrial facilities for «green» energy production by the President and Managing Director of SYCHEM, Dr-Ing Alexandros Yfantis, who also gave a brief description of the Project:
«This Biogas Power Plant manages all the organic waste varying from slaughtery houses residuals to manure and it is recognized by its great advantage of being odourless. The Biogas Plant features a special deodorization system that enables plant’s integration into the urban environment and a highly specialized wastewater treatment system for the effluents avoiding any contamination of the environment. It is about a plant that manages hard to treat organic waste, as expired food and slaughtery house residuals and transforms them into energy, heat, water and fertilizer, leaving no harmful residue to the environment. The current installed power of the Plant is 500 kW with a license to upgrade up to 2 MW. The investment regarding the mechanical equipment has overcome the 4 million euros while the total including land purchase is estimated at 6 million euros.
We are thankful to the Region of Crete, its public services, the Municipality of Herakleion and all the stakeholders for their substantial contribution to complete this investment ».