SYCHEM group of companies has gained a considerable experience in the design and construction of advanced central solar energy systems. With approximately 20.000m2 of central solar energy systems installed and currently operating, SYCHEM S.A. has a strong presence and expertise in design and installation of large-scale solar thermal fields for hotels and industry.
The use of central solar energy system is based on the development of a uniform field and uniform thermal storage units that have the capacity to cover the total demand of a hotel establishment or industrial facility.
The term advanced solar energy systems refers to systems that own electronic operation control and specific algorithms, allowing the following:
- Constant storage of water at the desirable temperature.
- Proper management of thermal storage units and minimal use of back-up energy source to cover the thermal loads during the night hours.
- Optimum utilization of solar field
The use of central solar energy systems can achieve up to 95% energy saving. The systems are based on selective collectors and special mechanical design. Most importantly, these systems are essentially “smart” systems whose operation does not solely depend on a differential thermostat.
The advanced solar energy systems always produce hot water at the desirable temperature, but also in the proper storage and distribution so that thermal energy is exhausted at the desirable temperature level.
SYCHEM S.A. is one of the few companies in Greece that can ensure energy efficiency of a central solar system and guarantee energy savings, ensuring depreciation of the initial investment.
In this context, the investment can be partially or fully funded based on recorded savings from conservative fuels consumption.